TOUCH-BOT workshop would deal with automation of a robot. It deals with sensors and their calibration to provide a sense of environment to the robot. Motive of the workshop is to make students familiar with robot automation and a mobile controlled robot too.
Kits Distribution
Practical session
Practical: Different patterns of LED.
Motor Interfacing
Project: Development of an Autonomous Robot.
Display device introduction and Interfacing.
Practical: Character, string and number display on LCD.
Project: Digital clock on LCD
Input Operation through Microcontroller
Project: Development of obstacle avoider robot.
Project: Development of obstacle follower robot.
Project: Development of line follower robot.
Introduction to ADC
Touch Screen
Practical: displaying x & y axis touch values on LCD.
Co-ordinate distribution in touch panel.
Touch Screen control LED.
Touch Screen control Motor
Project: Touch Screen control Robot.
Query Session
FREE to each group
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