MATLAB and Simulink is a workshop which focuses on robotic sensing. It would deal with sensors and their calibration to provide a sense of environment to the Robot. Motive of the workshop is to make students familiar with multiple sensors which they can interface with robot and realize various applications.
Introduction to MATLAB
Practical 1: Fundamentals of MATLAB vectors, objects and matrix manipulations
Practical 2:- Solving Mathematical calculations
Practical 3:- Accessing data from local and global database
Analyzing Images
Image Enhancement and Thresholding
Practical 4: Acquisition and displaying different format images.
Practical 5: Image types conversion.
Practical 6: Plotting and subplotting Images to a window.
Image Morphology (Opening, Closing, Erosion, Dilation)
Practical 7: Color Object Extraction from the Image.
Practical 8: Noise addition and removal from an area of interest
Introduction to SIMULINK in MATLAB
Practical 9: Circuit simulation of basics circuits*
Practical 10: Modeling of basics circuits*
*R/L/C/RL/RC/RLC circuits
Students should come prepared with the following:
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TechieNest is moving ahead with an ideology where practical and theory are equally emphasized.
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