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What is machine learning?
- Introduction to machine learning
- Understanding the need
- Understanding Big data and machine learning
- Running machine learning under Linux platform
- Why Linux is important for machine learning with respect to future
- Role of Python and R programming in this domain
- Basic Introduction of Python syntax and programming logics
- Deep dive with Supervised and Unsupervised learning
Python programming
- Basic of python and why python for machine learning
- Installation of software on different OS.
- Understanding basic syntax with data types
- Number, string, list, tuple and dictionary
- Loops, conditions
- User input and user defined functions
- How to use libraries
- Creating and importing own library
Installation of Python Libraries in System Numpy
- Formation of Arrays and its operation
- Working with multidimensional arrays using numpy
- Data formation and matrix manipulations
- Use of Numpy in Data Science
- Data Visualisation in linear graphs
- Bar Graph
- Pie Charts
- Multiple data visualisation in one plotz
Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Working with Python for ML
Types of learning
- Supervised Learning lab with Hello World Program
- Classification and regression
- Entropy and Information Gain
- Training your machine with real time data sets
Project:- Creating own ML datasets and it’s implementation
Working with classification algos
- Decision Tree
- Decision Tree algo deep dive
- Introduction to dataframes
- Reading / writing data files
- Structure of dataframes
- Use of dataframes with ML
- Datasets reading from Scikit-Learn
Project:- Designing of ML system for real time datasets
- Image Processing with Python
- Image Read and type conversions
Deep Learning, Image search and recognition
- Concept of neural network
- Understanding neural networks
- Searching for image
- Loading image with cloud library
- Registering image for training model
- Training image datasets
- Recognition of different images to detect face
- Deregistering images from cloud library
Project:- Face Recognition System over the cloud using ML
Query Session