Machine Learning with Python – Techienest

Machine Learning with Python

Machine Learning Workshop

Machine Learning with Python

Do you want to do Machine Learning using Python, but you’re having trouble getting started? In this post, you will complete your first machine learning project using Python. If you are a machine learning beginner and looking to finally get started using Python, this tutorial was designed for you.

Workshop Plan Day wise

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What is machine learning?

  • Introduction to machine learning
  • Understanding the need
  • Understanding Big data and machine learning
  • Running machine learning under Linux platform
  • Why Linux is important for machine learning with respect to future
  • Role of Python and R programming in this domain
  • Basic Introduction of Python syntax and programming logics
  • Deep dive with Supervised and Unsupervised learning

Python programming

  • Basic of python and why python for machine learning
  • Installation of software on different OS.
  • Understanding basic syntax with data types
  • Number, string, list, tuple and dictionary
  • Loops, conditions
  • User input and user defined functions
  • How to use libraries
  • Creating and importing own library

Installation of Python Libraries in System Numpy

  • Formation of Arrays and its operation
  • Working with multidimensional arrays using numpy
  • Data formation and matrix manipulations
  • Use of Numpy in Data Science


  • Data Visualisation in linear graphs
  • Bar Graph
  • Pie Charts
  • Multiple data visualisation in one plotz
[/single_tab][single_tab title=”Day 2 | Session 1 & 2″ tab_id=”3″]

Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
Working with Python for ML

Types of learning

  • Supervised Learning lab with Hello World Program
  • Classification and regression
  • Entropy and Information Gain
  • Training your machine with real time data sets
Project:- Creating own ML datasets and it’s implementation

Working with classification algos

  • Decision Tree
  • Decision Tree algo deep dive


  • Introduction to dataframes
  • Reading / writing data files
  • Structure of dataframes
  • Use of dataframes with ML
  • Datasets reading from Scikit-Learn
Project:- Designing of ML system for real time datasets


  • Image Processing with Python
  • Image Read and type conversions

Deep Learning, Image search and recognition

  • Concept of neural network
  • Understanding neural networks
  • Searching for image
  • Loading image with cloud library
  • Registering image for training model
  • Training image datasets
  • Recognition of different images to detect face
  • Deregistering images from cloud library
Project:- Face Recognition System over the cloud using ML

Query Session


Project Details

  • Raspberry Pi 3B (Refundable)
  • Memory Card 16 GB (Refundable)
  • USB Cable
  • Bulb & Holder (2 set)
  • Connecting cable & Wires
  • Relay board
  • LAN cable (type 5)
  • Screw Driver
  • A seminar hall/Class room with seating capacity of 100 students
  • One projector.
  • 2 Collar mike with sound system.
  • White board and marker.
  • Workshop coordinators(3-5)
  • Laptop charging points.
  • One laptop/PC to each group.
  • Acquaint yourself with practical knowledge.
  • Workshop taken by Exceptionally Qualified and Professional Trainers actively involved in Research & Development.
  • Learn your Area of Interest directly from Industry Experts.
  • Scales up your CV/ Resume in Technical while boosting your Logical Abilities.
  • Brings Confidence in you for Technical rounds of Interview.
  • Lifetime assistance on any of your projects.
  • Certificate of Participation.
  • Certificate of Coordination.
  • Certificate of Appreciation to College.
  • Relevant Software.
  • Study Material (Soft Copy) FREE.
  • A TechieNest notepad



To Organize workshop in Your Campus

Please Tell Us Your Requirements
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Drop an email at [email protected]


Talk To Expert

+91 – 9251094002
Timings : 10 AM – 7 PM

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TechieNest is moving ahead with an ideology where practical and theory are equally emphasized.


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