Fitness Band – Techienest

Fitness Band

Fitness Band Workshop

Fitness Band

Fitness Band is a workshop which focuses on robotic sensing. It would deal with sensors and their calibration to provide a sense of environment to the Robot. Motive of the workshop is to make students familiar with multiple sensors which they can interface with robot and realize various applications.

Workshop Plan Day wise

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Introduction to Robotics.

  • Introduction to basics of Embedded Systems.
  • Memory organization in microcontrollers.
  • Input & Output peripherals in Microcontrollers.
  • Resisters in Microcontrollers.
  • Programming of Microcontrollers.

Kits distribution.
Hardware description
Introduction & Explanation of Microcontrollers

  • Explanation of AVR Microcontroller.
  • Explanation of Arduino Board & Programming.
  • Basic Arduino Based programs for interfacing I/O Devices.
  • Interfacing LED and Programming the Arduino to generate different LED patterns.

Display device introduction and Interfacing

  • Introduction to LCD.
  • Interfacing of LCD with Microcontroller.

Practical: Character, string and number display on LCD.

  • Introduction to Input Devices & Sensors.
  • Introduction to ADC.
  • Accessing internal ADC of microcontroller.
  • Introduction of temperature sensor.
  • Interfacing temperature sensor with microcontroller.
Project- Digital Thermometer
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Introductory & Theoretical session

Project- Heart Beat counter
  • Serial communication & Bluetooth Technology
  • Accessing internal USART of microcontrollers.
  • Interfacing Bluetooth module with microcontrollers.
  • Transmitting & receiving data wirelessly through Bluetooth of Laptop/Android mobile phone.
Project: Bluetooth Control wireless notice board.
  • Explanation of the Health Band Programming and Complete Assembly.
  • Working with Android Application.
  • Testing of Health Band with Android Application.
  • Data Sharing and Computer Access Internet Properties

Query Session


Project Details

  • Techie Development Board.
  • D-type cable.
  • On board voltage regulated Power supply unit.
  • Heart Beat Sensor
  • Temperature Sensor
  • Bluetooth Module
  • Connecting Wires
  • Battery
  • Battery Connectors
  • Flexi Acrylic Band
  • A seminar hall/Class room with seating capacity of 100 students.
  • One projector.
  • 2 Collar mike with sound system.
  • White board and marker.
  • Workshop coordinators(3-5).
  • Laptop charging points.
  • One laptop/PC to each group.
  • Acquaint yourself with practical knowledge.
  • Workshop taken by Exceptionally Qualified and Professional Trainers actively involved in Research & Development.
  • Learn your Area of Interest directly from Industry Experts.
  • Scales up your CV/ Resume in Technical while boosting your Logical Abilities.
  • Brings Confidence in you for Technical rounds of Interview.
  • Lifetime assistance on any of your projects.
  • Certificate of Participation
  • Certificate of Coordination
  • Certificate of Appreciation to College
  • Relevant Software.
  • Study Material (Soft Copy) FREE.
  • A TechieNest notepad



To Organize workshop in Your Campus

Please Tell Us Your Requirements
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Drop an email at [email protected]


Talk To Expert

+91 – 9251094002
Timings : 10 AM – 7 PM

Why TechieNest ?

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TechieNest is a certified ISO 9001:2008, technology service provider and training organization.


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352708|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^02|description^null” img_width=”48″ title=”350+ Colleges” heading_tag=”h5″ read_more=”box” pos=”top” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]

Our team has successfully delivered the impactful service to more than 350 colleges, including prestigious institutions..


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352709|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^03|description^null” img_width=”48″ title=”Work Ideology” heading_tag=”h5″ read_more=”box” pos=”top” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]

TechieNest is moving ahead with an ideology where practical and theory are equally emphasized.


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352710|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^04|description^null” img_width=”48″ title=”Creating “Techie-Brains”” heading_tag=”h5″ read_more=”box” pos=”top” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]

In the vast growing ‘Technical Era’ we are rising with a mission to expand the set boundaries..


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