Accelerobot – Techienest


best robo expedition workshop


Accelerobot workshop would deal with automation of a robot. It deals with sensors and their calibration to provide a sense of environment to the robot. Motive of the workshop is to make students familiar with robot automation and a mobile controlled robot too.

Workshop Plan Day wise

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Introductory & Theoretical session

  • Introduction to Embedded System & Robotics.
  • Future aspects.
  • Need of Microcontrollers in Robotics.
  • Wide description about Microcontrollers.
  • Wide description about Atmega 8.
  • Memory organization in microcontrollers.
  • Input & Output peripherals in Microcontrollers.
  • Resisters in Microcontrollers.
  • Programming of Microcontrollers.

Kits Distribution

Practical session

  • Interfacings of peripherals.
  • Output devices interfacings.
  • Programming for LED interfacings with Microcontrollers.
Practical: Different patterns of LED.
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Motor Interfacing

  • Actuators to be used in Robots.
  • Wide description about L293D.
  • Interfacing motor driver IC with Microcontroller.
  • Interfacing of Motors with microcontrollers via L293D.
  • Differential drive mechanism of Robot.

Project: Development of an Autonomous Robot.

Display device introduction and Interfacing.

  • Introduction to LCD.
  • Interfacing of LCD with Microcontroller.

Practical: Character, string and number display on LCD.

Project: Digital clock on LCD
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Input Operation through Microcontroller

  • Introduction to IR sensor.
  • Introduction to LM358 IC.
  • Working of IR sensor.
  • Interfacing of IR sensor through microcontroller.
Project: Development of obstacle avoider robot


Project: Development of obstacle follower robot


Project: Development of line follower robot.
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Introduction to ADC

  • Accessing internal ADC of microcontroller Atmega8.
  • Programming for analog to digital converter.

Touch Screen

  • Wide description of Touch screens.
  • Different type of touch screens.
  • Interfacing of Resistive Touch Screen with microcontroller.

Practical: displaying x & y axis touch values on LCD.
Co-ordinate distribution in touch panel.
Touch Screen control LED.
Touch Screen control Motor

Project: Touch Screen control Robot.

Query Session


Project Details

  • Autonomous Robot.
  • Development of obstacle avoider robot.
  • Development of obstacle follower robot.
  • Development of line follower robot.
  • Digital Clock on LCD.
  • Touch Screen control Robot.

FREE to each group

  • ATmega8 Development Board.
  • D type programming cable.
  • On board voltage regulated Power supply unit.
  • DC motors.
  • wheels
  • Mechanical Chassis.
  • Display device(LCD)
  • Connecting wire
  • Screw driver.
  • Screw Packet.
  • Caster wheels.
  • Adaptor.
  • Touch Screen.
  • Seminar room with Power plugs.
  • Projector.
  • Mic.
  • White Board.



To Organize workshop in Your Campus

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Drop an email at [email protected]


Talk To Expert

+91 – 9251094002
Timings : 10 AM – 7 PM

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TechieNest is a certified ISO 9001:2008, technology service provider and training organization.


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TechieNest is moving ahead with an ideology where practical and theory are equally emphasized.


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