3D-Animation – Techienest


best robo expedition workshop


3D-Animation workshop would lead to exiting world of animation. It deals with creative aspects and finer nuances of animation, starting from pre-production to post production, including story boarding and animation. Motive of the workshop is to improve skills of students and focus on career opportunities in the animation industry.

Workshop Plan Day wise

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  • Introduction to Animation?
  • Techniques of Animation
  • Computer Animation Process
  • Classification of Computer Animation
  • Levels of 3D animation(Pre-production to Post)

Showcasing the best Animation clips of 2017 & Oscar winning projects.

Introduction to the various software’s used for animation.

What is 3D printing? Working & it’s future.

Maya Basics

  • Interface & Organization
  • Understanding View-ports & navigating along
  • Using the Hot Box
  • Customization & shortcuts 1&2
  • Channels box and layers
  • Creating Display layers
  • Working with Out-liners
  • Working with Attribute editor
  • Rotating & editing Pivot points
  • Understanding Camera & Perspective
  • Structure of Hierarchies
  • Understanding the Hyper graph

Marking Menus

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Modelling & Rigging

  • Creating a Model & there manipulation
  • Understanding Complex object and different techniques to edit & add Curves.
  • Adding rigs (bones) to the model.


  • Muscle attachment to models
  • Tweaking Hyper graph
  • Motion Path Key Animation technique
  • Creating a smooth Animation
  • Setting up Play blast

Creating a Set & Lighting

  • Creating a set to place the model
  • Adding lights 7 camera to the scene
  • Adding Dynamics to the animation
  • Learning about Particle Dynamics
  • Applying Materials, Bump


  • Batch Rendering the final scene
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Recap of day1 (with Q&A)

Project: Bouncing Ball 1
Project: Forward Bouncing Ball 2
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Project: Working with complex figurines
Project: Creating a set with 2+ characters around the Model for architectural purpose.

Resume making, Career focus insight of industry
Query Session


Project Details

  • Bouncing Ball 1
  • Forward Bouncing Ball 2
  • Working with complex figurines
  • Creating a set with 2+ characters around the Model for architectural purpose.
  • Software- MAYA
  • Seminar room with Power plugs.
  • Projector.
  • Mic.
  • White Board.



To Organize workshop in Your Campus

Please Tell Us Your Requirements
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Drop an email at [email protected]


Talk To Expert

+91 – 9251094002
Timings : 10 AM – 7 PM

Why TechieNest ?

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TechieNest is a certified ISO 9001:2008, technology service provider and training organization.


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Our team has successfully delivered the impactful service to more than 300 colleges, including prestigious institutions..


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TechieNest is moving ahead with an ideology where practical and theory are equally emphasized.


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In the vast growing ‘Technical Era’ we are rising with a mission to expand the set boundaries..


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