Python Training – Techienest

Python Training

Python Training in Jaipur


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Python is a high-level general purpose programming language that offers multiple paradigms like object-orientation, and structural and functional programming for software development. It works on cross-platform operating systems and can be used across to develop a wide range of applications including those intended for image processing, text processing, web, and enterprise level using scientific, numeric and data from network. BitTorrent, YouTube, Dropbox, Deluge, Cinema 4D and Bazaar are a few globally-used applications based on Python.

Python language has variety of application which includes-

GUI-Based Desktop Applications

Enterprise and Business Applications

Web Frameworks and Web Applications

Operating Systems

Language Development

Prototyping and many more….

Course :  Python
Certification By : TechieNest, An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company
Study Material : Software and PDFs provided to each student
Fee : INR 5999 + Taxes INR 1499 + Taxes
Duration : 40 Days / 60 Hours

Step 1

Register online for any desired course, duration & location of your training course & obtain a Registration-ID. Registration-ID is a Unique Registration Number which is generated by our system after successful registration for training A student can have multiple IDs for multiple courses & batches. It is displayed while successful registration and it is also mailed to you immediately after registration by our server. if you don’t find it in your mail then, please check your SPAM folder or junk folder of your mail ID.

Step 2

Please deposit your Course fee to any one of our payment gateway/ Bank Account/ paytm.

Payment Gateway link:

Bank Account Details –
A/C Name: TechieNest Pvt. Ltd.
Bank A/C No: 201000689491
IFSC: INDB0000592
Bank Name: Indusind Bank Limited
Address: Malviya Nagar, Jaipur ( Rajasthan)
Paytm Number – 9251494002

Step 3

Update us regarding your fee payment by sending picture/scan copy of bank receipt to: [email protected] and you will receive a confirmation mail on your mail id.

When someone says yes you can do it….it means you can achieve it and when you decide to take an action we come with the surprising offers:

1. Group Discount:

Offer code: TNGD-5
Offer code: TNGD-10
Offer code: TNGD-15

  • If a group size is of: 5 -10 then 5% discount on training
  • 10-20 then 10% discount on training
  • 20 and above then 15% discount on training
2. Referral Offer:

Offer code: TNR3
Offer code: TNR5

  • 3% additional discount to the person who is referring
  • 5% additional discount to the one who is being referred
3. For Former students up to 15% off:

Offer code: TNFS15

  • There will be 15% discount on students who already did training
4. Previous Workshop attended students 5% off:

Offer code: TNPW5

5. 5% additional Discount for Campus Ambassador:

Offer code: TNA5


All participants will get Certificate from TechieNest Pvt. Ltd. in association with Aavriti’18 IIT Bombay

Why TechieNest

  • Vast experience of having conducted Big Outreach Workshop collaborating with over 300+ colleges in all over India including IIT Bombay, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Bhubaneswar, IIT Jodhpur, IIT Mandi, NIT Raipur, MNIT Jaipur, MANIT Bhopal, NIT Jalandhar, NIT Patna, NIT Srinagar, IIIT Kalyani, BITS Pilani and likewise.
  • Trained more than 20,000 students in the field of EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & ROBOTICS, MATLAB & Machine Vision, Internet of Things, PLC_SCADA, PYTHON, C/C++, Andriod, VLSI & VHDL, JAVA and such top notch courses.
  • Our trainers are efficient in Raspberry pi, Arduino, PLCs, etc. which forms essential hardware in Electronic Industries nowadays.
  • Outreach workshop partner of Sanchaar-Wissenaire’18, IIT Bhubaneswar, 2017-18
  • Zonal workshop partner of Techkriti’18 IIT Kanpur, 2017-2018
  • Outreach workshop partner of Techfest’15 IIT Bombay & Techfest’16 IIT Bombay
  • Zonal workshop partner of Techkriti’17 IIT Kanpur, 2016-2017
  • Outreach workshop & Training partner of nVision’17 IIT Hyderabad, 2016-17
  • Outreach workshop partner of Ignus’17 IIT Jodhpur, 2016-17
  • AIRC’18 (All India Robotics Championship) in association with Techkriti’18 IIT Kanpur.
  • AIRC’17 (All India Robotics Championship) in association with nVision’17 IIT Hyderabad, 2016-17
  • Offering Project Based Training, Projects on Demand, Corporate Projects, Commercial Projects, and Consultancy in Engineering Projects.
    Dedicated 24×7 R&D lab.
  • Trained over 50+ international students in TechieNest Technology Transfer Program 2014-15.
  • TechieNest has Research Engineers having excellent research aptitude, teaching pedagogy who illustrates their finding through practical demos during workshop/training.
  • Manufacturer of Electronic products delivering the same across the country.

With the completion of this course, one would get an idea of what the world of IoT is all about. Also, this course will benefit the student to earn from us the following credentials:

  • An Internship Letter
  • Training Completion certificate
  • Project completion certificate

TechieNest is a leading industry-based training institute that has more than 64000 alumni. We are intensively committed to providing high-quality education and research in the most trending career-oriented technologies. Our dedicated team of experts design & deliver courses keeping in mind the future prospects and in-demand technologies.

We follow the theory of “3Ls”

Learn together:

We tune in to and address the requirements of our students, commending our triumphs and gaining from our experiences.

Learn by experts:

Meet experts from industry and instructors from top colleges and social foundations, who’ll share their experience through recordings, articles, tests, and conversations.

Learn with projects:

Turn your theoretical knowledge into practicality. Learn & build various projects with various modules and experience their smooth implementations. Become a self-made project maker with both easy-going and pro-level ideas.

Full Course Structure

Module 1 (1.5 Hours) - Introduction
  • Introduction with Module
  • Why Python?
  • Basic Linux/Windows Commands
  • Its importance & Future Aspects
  • Downloading & Installing Python with its IDEs
  • Setting up Environment for Python
  • Understanding its Command Line & Scripts

Simple Python Program

Module 2 (1.5 Hours) - Data & Its Types – a
  • Python Variables, Rules of Identifiers
  • Creating, Using and Printing a Variable in Python
  • Taking User Inputs from Python
  • Some Common Functions
  • Python Keywords
  • Interactive Mode & Script Mode Programming
  • Python Comments
  • Python Operators: Arithmetic, Assignment, Relational, Logical, Bitwise, Identity, Membership
  • Python Braces: (), {}, []
  • Python Data Types/Classes:int, float, complex, str, list, tuple, dict, set, bool
Module 3 (1.5 Hours) - Data Types in Detail – 1
  • Numeric Data Types: Creation, Modification, Use of Operators, Built-in Functions
  • Concept of Mutability
  • String Data: Creation, Accessing, Modification*, Use of Operators, Built-in Functions, Use of Triple Quotes
  • List: Creation, Accessing, Modification, Use of Operators, Built-in Functions
  • Tuple: Creation, Accessing, Modification, Use of Operators, Built-in Functions
  • Some Common Functions

Exercise – 0a

Module 4 (1.5 Hours) - Data Types in Detail – 2
  • Dictionary: Creation, Accessing, Modification, Use of Operators, Built-in Functions
  • Type Casting in Python
  • Set: Creation, Accessing*, Modification, Use of Operators, Built-in Functions
  • Boolean: Creation, Use of Operators
  • Some Common Functions

Exercise – 0b

Module 5 (1.5 Hours) - Python Decision Making
  • Concept of Indentation in Python
  • Python Suites: Simple, Nested, Ladder, Hybrid
  • Conditional IF: Use of if-elif-else in Python
  • Looping WHILE: Use of while statement in Python

Exercise – 1

Module 6 (1.5 Hours) - Python Decision Making – 2
  • FOR Loops: The for-loop behavior in Python
  • Using range() function
  • Use of break and continue
  • Some Common Functions

Exercise – 2

Module 7 (1.5 Hours) - Python Comprehension
  • Writing Python IF in one line
  • List Comprehension
  • Use of Conditionals
  • Nested Comprehensions
  • Shortcuts to Create Tuples
  • Dictionary Comprehension
  • Shortcuts to Create Dictionary
  • Set Comprehension
  • Tuple/? Comprehension**
  • Some Common Functions

Exercise – 3

Module 8 (1.5 Hours) - Python User-Defined Functions – 1
  • Defining and Calling a custom user defined Function
  • Types of Functions by parameters/arguments
  • Default Arguments
  • Arguments Skipping
  • Variable Length Arguments *args
  • Keyword Arguments **kwargs
  • Passing Functions as Arguments
  • Recursion
  • Some Common Functions

Exercise – 4

Module 9 (1.5 Hours) - Python UDFs – 2
  • Anonymous Functions: Lambda Expressions
  • Use of map(), filter(), reduce()
  • Generators: Use of Generators, Significance
  • Creating Custom Generator
  • Comprehension
  • Some Common Functions

Exercise – 5

Module 10 (1.5 Hours) - Python Modules
  • Python Library & Packages
  • Using Modules by: import, from-import, creating alias
  • Downloading a new module
  • Installing a module
  • Creating User-defined modules
  • Some Commonly used Modules in Python: time, os, datetime, calendar, math, random
  • Finding System Time, Showing Calendars
  • Generating Random Numbers
  • Performing Typical Mathematical Operations
  • Creating files, directories
  • Prompting/Opening & Terminating Applications/Files
  • Some Common Functions

Exercise – 6

Module 11 (1.5 Hours) - Python Modules – 2
  • Excel Files:xlrd, xlwt modules for excel spreadsheet
  • Putting User Data in Excel
  • Reading Data from Excel

Project 1: “CLI based Students Registration Portal”

Module 12 (1.5 Hours) - Python File Handling
  • Python Simple File Handling
  • Use of with-as Statement
  • json: Reading, Creating JSON Files
  • tsv, csv: Reading, Creating tsv, csv files
Module 13 (1.5 Hours) - Error Handling
  • Assertions in Python
  • Errors and Exceptions
  • Exception Handling: Try, except, finally
  • User Defined Exceptions

Exercise – 7

Module 14 (1.5 Hours) - Email
  • Sending Email
  • Setting up Gmail Account
  • Setting up a Local SMTP server
  • Starting a secure SMTP Connection
  • Sending a plain-text email
  • Decorating Email-Text using HTML
  • Sending Attachments with Mail
Module 15 (1.5 Hours) - Email – 2
  • Reading Email
  • Setting up IMAP Connection
  • Triggering SSL Login with Credentials
  • Selecting Specific/all mail(s) from Inbox
  • Decoding the Information

Project 2: “Exa Email Client”

Module 16 (1.5 Hours) - QUERY SESSION
Module 17 (1.5 Hours) - Multithreading
  • Concept of Thread and Multithread
  • Starting a Multithread
  • Threading Module; Synchronizing Threads
  • Multithreaded Priority Queue
Module 18 (1.5 Hours) - Speech Synthesis & Recognition
  • Installing Modules
  • Python Speech Synthesis
  • Speech Synthesizer
  • Changing Rate; Setting up Speaker
  • Speech Recognition Module

Project 3: “Exa Personal Assistant”

Module 19 (1.5 Hours) - Object Oriented Programming
  • OOP Introduction
  • Classes, Objects, Methods;
  • Inheritance: Its types
  • Polymorphism
  • Overloading
Module 20 (1.5 Hours) - OOP - 2
  • Encapsulation
  • Dunder Functions
  • Overriding
  • Data Hiding

Exercise – 8

Module 21 (1.5 Hours) - String Advanced
  • Regular Expressions
  • RE Patterns
  • RE Syntax
  • Creating Custom Regular Expressions
Module 22 (1.5 Hours) - Command Line Operations
  • Python Command Line Arguments
  • sys, argparse modules
  • Fetching Multiple Arguments
  • Argument Options
  • Deploying Python Modules
  • Pypi Repository
Module 23 (1.5 Hours) - Database
  • Basics of SQL
  • Creating Database with SQLite
  • Creating, Retrieving, Updating and Deleting Records
  • Creating Database Objects
Module 24 (1.5 Hours) - Project

Project 4: “Banking Management Portal”

Module 25 (1.5 Hours) - Web Scrapping
  • Concept of Web
  • HTTP Protocol
  • Get, post methods; HTTP Responses
  • Header Information
  • HTML Tags
  • Request module
  • Beautiful Soup


Module 26 (1.5 Hours) - Web Scrapping – 2
  • Dynamic Tags
  • URL Generation
  • Web Scrapping with APIs
  • Wikipedia, Weather, Google, Maps, Whatsapp

Project 5: “E-VAGO (An e-commerce comparison tool similar to Trivago)”

Module 27 (1.5 Hours) - Smart Computing
  • Interacting with Operating System Automatically
  • Controlling OS Applications
  • Controlling Mouse Pointer
  • Controlling Keyboard
  • Generating Word Files using python script
  • Converting text file to PDF & vice-versa
Module 28 (1.5 Hours) - GUI Development
  • Concept of GUI in Python
  • Tkinter Module
  • Tkinter Widgets
  • Creating EXE files
Module 29 (1.5 Hours) - Python Unit Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • Pytest module
  • Performing Live Script Testing
Module 30 (1.5 Hours) - PROJECT
  • Project 6: “Scientific Calculator”


Module 31 (1.5 Hours) - PROJECT

Project 7: “Ludo-King”

Module 32 (1.5 Hours) - PROJECT

Project 8: “Desktop Application Notifier”

Module 33 (1.5 Hours) - PROJECT

Project 9: “Countdown Clock & Stopwatch”

Module 34 (1.5 Hours) - PROJECT

Project 10: “Typing Test”

Module 35 (1.5 Hours) - PROJECT

Project 11: “KaunBanegaImaandaar”

Module 36 (1.5 Hours) - PROJECT

Project 12: “Multimedia Player”

Module 37 (1.5 Hours) - PROJECT

Project 13: “Instagram Bot”

Module 38 (1.5 Hours) - PROJECT

Project 14: “Twitter Bot”

Module 39 (1.5 Hours) - PROJECT

Project 15: “Contact Book & Chat Messenger”

Module 40 (1.5 Hours) - PROJECT

Project 16: “Expense Manager & Tracker”

For Assistance Call


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TechieNest is a certified ISO 9001:2008, technology service provider and training organization.


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TechieNest is moving ahead with an ideology where practical and theory are equally emphasized.


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