Embedded Systems and Robotics – Techienest

Embedded Systems and Robotics

embedded system and robotics

Summer Industrial Training Program

Embedded System and Robotics

Embedded System Training in Jaipur


“Explore for the Realms of Possibility’’

Think of a human being in whom body works like a HARDWARE and brain as SOFTWARE!!

This very question heated up mind of embedded engineer….

Our brain simulates our senses and provides a command to perform a specific task. So, Embedded System can be explained as a combination of hardware and software which is designed to perform a specific task at specific time. It brings knowledge of Electronics Engineer, electrical engineering and computer engineering together. So both the things are necessary for proper functioning.  So this is about how to get into the field of Embedded Systems & Robotics and make it as a career option.


“Because Possibilities are Infinite’’

There are number of applications of Embedded Systems in transport, cars, offices, homes, etc. lead to plenty of projects in a line, and hence require a lot of talented Minds.

So, it’s a smart option to choose it as a career option but before going into it, there are some prerequisites, as embedded system is a combination of almost all the technologies like digital electronics, mobile computing, software programming, real time computing, etc.

Around the globe, institutes like MIT, University of Cambridge, and Stanford provide undergraduate and post graduate courses on Embedded System. In India also IITs, NITs, and IIITs provide post-graduation courses for the same.  Certification courses of short duration on Embedded Systems and Robotics are also provided by institutes like TechieNest Pvt. Ltd., Shastra University etc.

Our Training Program Details

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Regular (1 Month)
Course : Embedded Systems & Robotics
Certification By : TechieNest, An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company
Projects : 38+ Projects
Practicals : 46+ Practicals
Study Material : Software and PDFs provided to each student.
Fee : 8,500/- + Taxes
Duration : 1 Month/ 75 Hours

Course Details


Embedded Systems & Robotics
Day 1& 2

Introduction to ESR

  • Definition of Embedded Systems & Robotics
  • Embedded System General Computing
  • Careers in Embedded Systems & Robotics
  • Why TechieNest for this Training?
  • Application Areas, Features, Advantages
  • Industrial Facets, Need & Use
  • Latest Trends & Upcoming Technologies

Microprocessors & Microcontrollers

  • Basic Concept of Processing & Controlling
  • Computer Architectures
  • Microcontrollers & their Functional Architectures
  • Differences between MPU & MCU
  • Various Microcontrollers & their features
  • AVR ATMega16 Microcontroller, pin description

Embedded C Programming

  • Fundamentals of Embedded C
  • The control structures, loops, functions
  • The General Purpose Input Output Registers
  • The concept of compiler, interpreter & Simulator

Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)

  • Symbol, Working, Types, Functions
  • Programming MCU to interface an LED

Practical 1: Glowing LEDs in Simulation

Practical 2: Simulating AVR to glow an LED using Programming

Practical 3: Generating Various Patterns on Multiple LEDs (Blinking, Chaser, BCD etc.)

Practical 4: Generating Diverging & Converging Patterns of LEDs

4 Hours
Day 3

Seven Segment Displays (SSDs)

  • Need, features & working concept
  • Types of SSDs
  • Interfacing of SSD with Microcontroller
  • Multiplexing of SSDs to display multiple digits

Practical 6: Interfacing single SSD to display single digit counters

Practical 7: Multiplexing multiple SSDs using Hardware Optimization Concept

Project 2: Traffic Light Controlling Prototype

Project 3: Digital Clock Display

2 Hours
Day 4 & 5

DC Motors

  • The basic concept of motors (Torque, RPM, etc.)
  • Types (brushless, geared, etc.)
  • Working Methodology of various motors (DC motor, stepper motor, servo motors etc.)
  • Motor Drivers: Need, features, Driver ICs

Practical 8: Controlling a simple DC motor rotation (CW, CCW) using MCU.

Practical 9: 8 direction movement of a two motor based robotic vehicle system.

Project 4: Timer Based Automatic Door Opening & Closing


  • Significance, and Need of Sensors
  • Differences between Sensor, Actuators and Transducers
  • Types of Sensors (Analog and Digital) & their Working
  • Infra-Red rays (applications & range), Line-of- Sight
  • (LOS) Communication
  • Infra-Red Sensor: Circuitry & Working
  • Working & Circuitry of a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
  • Taking Input from sensor to microcontroller

Practical 10: Interfacing LDR with MCU as light controlled switch

Practical 11: Interfacing IR Sensor as a touch less switch with AVR

4 Hours
Day 6

Practical 12: IR sensor as a binary color sensor

Project 5: Sunlight based Street Light Controlling Prototype

Project 6: Obstacle Detector Robot

Project 7: Light Searching Robot

Project 8: Edge Follower (Never Falling Robot)

Project  9: Black/White line follower Robot

2 Hours
Day 7 & 8

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD)

  • Origin of Displays, historical background
  • Various Techniques used for Displays
  • Why LCD?
  • Types of LCD used in Embedded Systems,
  • Working methodology & Pin Description of 16×2 LCD
  • Registers & Memory Space in LCD
  • Modes of Operations
  • LCD Commands
  • Creating Functions for various operations to use LCD with microcontroller

Practical 13: Printing a Single Character using Microcontroller on LCD

Practical 14: Displaying a String on LCD using AVR

Practical 15: Showing a Numeric Value (or Variable) on LCD

Practical 16: Rotating Single Characters/string on LCD

Practical 17: Sand-watch display of String or character on LCD

Project 10: Digital Stop Watch

    • Concept of Memory Mapping
    • Creating user-defined character library in the LCD memory
    • Creating Function for a new character generation in LCD

    Practical 18: Printing a User Defined character on LCD

Project 11: Creating a Custom Animation/Game of your choice

4 Hours
Day 9,10  & 11


  • Definition, Working Methodology,
  • Types, Advantages & Application Areas
  • Important Specifications
  • Switching/Controlling of DC Relay using Microcontrollers
  • (Transistorized Switches)
  • The Darlington Pair; Inductor Driver ICs (ULN2003/ULN2803)

Practical 19: Various Relays Understanding
Practical 20: Interfacing Relay with AVR
Practical 21: Interfacing ULN IC with AVR to control Switching of Multiple Relays

Project 13: Seminar/Conference Hall Automation


  • Types, Working & Uses
  • The Pull-Up Concept
  • Interfacing single switch with Microcontroller
  • Interfacing Multiple linear Keys with MCU

Practical 22: Taking Input from single Key to MCU to ON/OFF led
Practical 23: Taking Input from multiple Keys to MCU to control SSD

Project 13: Curtain Opener
Project 14: Manually Controlled Smart Shopping Vehicle for Mall/Store Management.

Keypad Matrix

  • Concept of Keypad matrix
  • Taking input from 4×3 Keypad Matrix

Practical 24: Interfacing 4×3 Keypad Matrix and displaying results (numbers) on LCD

Project 15: Password controlled security systems for Restricted Areas
Project 16: Basic Calculator using Keypad Matrix and LCD

6 Hours
Day 12 2 Hours
Day 12,13 & 14

Analog to Digital Converters (ADC)

  • Definition & Need of ADCs
  • Circuitries used for Analog to Digital Conversion
  • Inbuilt ADC in AVR Microcontrollers
  • Available channels, Size & Various Registers used
  • Creating a function to take an Analog input on AVR and converting it into Digital for further Processing.

Analog Sensors

  • Real World Information Interfacing with Microcontrollers
  • Interfacing Analog IR sensors
  • Practical 25: Displaying the Analog value of IR Sensor on LCD
  • Practical 26: Making a digital scaling system for small distance measurement

Project 17: Color Matching Machine

  • Temperature Sensor: Concept, Scaling Factor & interfacing with AVR

Practical 26: Interfacing Temperature Sensor with AVR MCU

Project 18: Digital Thermometer

Project 19: Temperature Sensor based Alerting/Alarming System for process controlling & monitoring

Touch Sensors/Screens

  • History & Origin of Touch Screens
  • Different Types of Touch Screens
  • Resistive Touch Screens: Working Principle
  • Calculation of Touch Co-ordinates over Touch Screen
  • Taking input from a Touch Screen to AVR MCU

Practical 27: Interfacing Resistive Touch Screens with AVR

Project 24: Touch Screen control automation system

6 Hours
Day 10

2 Hours
Day 15


  • The MEMS Technology
  • Gyroscopic Sensors or Accelerometers
  • Taking input of 3-Dimensional Motion Information into Microcontroller

Practical 28: Interfacing an MEMS based Accelerometer with AVR

Project 21: HMI(Human Machine Interface) Controlled Wheel Chair

2 Hours
Day 16 & 17

Communication Protocols

  • Various Communication Protocols
  • RS232 Protocol; Baud Rate and Bit Rate
  • The concept of Serial/Parallel Synchronous/Asynchronous communication to send data bits.
  • Inbuilt Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/ Transmitter inAVR.
  • USART registers & their working
  • Creating functions to Establish Serial Communication of PC with Microcontroller using communication ports.

Practical 29: Sending/ Receiving Data from/to PC to/from Microcontroller Displaying it on LCD.

Practical 30: Controlling Microcontroller Operations using PC

Project 22: PC Controlled security system


  • Definition, Concept
  • Working Range, Application Area

Practical 31: Interfacing Bluetooth with microcontroller Controlling Microcontroller Operations

Project 23: PC Controlled Wireless Smart Food Serving Robot

Project 24: Android Smartphone Bluetooth Controlled Modern Home Automation System

4 Hours


Regular (2 Month)
Course : Embedded System & Robotics
Certification By : TechieNest, An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company
Course : Embedded System & Robotics
Certification By : TechieNest, An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company
Study Material : Book free to each participant (Soft Copy)
Fee : 12,500/- +Taxes
Duration : 2 Month/ 150 Hours

Course Details

After 1 Month

Embedded System & Robotics
Day 26


  • Concept of RAM, ROM and Flash Memory
  • Arrays, Structures, ASCII Data accessing
  • Use of Various Other Libraries (math.h, string.h etc.)
  • Memory data storage
  • Internal EEPROM in ATMEGA16

Practical 48: Storing text to EEPROM
Practical 49: Writing a character to EEPROM
Practical 50: Reading a character from EEPROM and displaying it on LCD

Project 40: Storing/Retrieving Security passwords to EEPROM
Project 41: Non-Volatile Embedded System Database

3 Hours
 Day 27


  • Definition of Timer and Counter
  • Uses, Types
  • AVR inbuilt Timer/Counter Circuitries
  • Registers, Functions, Various mode of Operation
  • Controlling the amplitude of Voltage or Current
  • Generation of multiple frequencies
  • Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) using Timer

Practical 50: Variation in the intensity of LED
Practical 51: Generating Multiple Frequencies
Practical 52: Speed control of DC motor using Timer/Counter

Project 44: Wireless Speed control Robot

3 Hours
Day 28 & 29

Arduino | NODEMCU | ESP32 controller Boards

  • TechieNest DV Board VsArduino
  • Comparisons in all Micro controller boards
  • Series of Arduino Boards
  • I/O PIN configurations
  • Various Interfacings with Arduino
  • Writing Embedded programs for Arduino

Practical 53: Writing various programs for LED’s interfacing

6 Hours
Day 30 & 31

Output Devices Interfacing with Arduino

  • Relay| Motor | Buzzer | Relay Interfacings

Practical 54: Writing various programs for these hardware’s

6 Hours
Day 32 & 33

Digital Input Devices Interfacing with Arduino

  • IR | LDR | ULTRASONIC Sensors | KEYPAD interfacings

Practical 55: Writing various programs for these hardware’s

6 Hours
Day 34 & 35

Analog Input Devices Interfacing with Arduino

  • LPG | Alcohol | Humidity & Temperature Sensor

Practical 56: Writing various programs for these hardware’s

6 Hours
Day 36


  • Soil Moisture | Current Sensor

Practical 57: Writing various programs for these hardware’s

3 Hours
Day 37


  • HeartBeat\Pulserate Sensor

Practical 58: Writing program for this sensor interfacing

3 Hours
Day 38

Communicating Devices Interfacing with Arduino

  • Serial Communication
  • Computer Communication
  • Wi-Fi interfacing

Practical 59: Writing various programs for these hardware’s

3 Hours
Day 39

Display Interfacing

  • Connections and data display
  • OLED interfacing with Arduino

Practical 60: Writing various programs for these hardware’s

3 Hours
Day 40

Stepper | Servo Motors Interacting

  • BO Vs Stepper Vs Servomotor
  • Various angle rotations and their calculations
  • Torque calculations
  • PIN configurations
  • Interfacing concepts

Practical 61: Writing various programs for these hardware’s

3 Hours
Day 41

Brain Wave

  • EEG (Electroencephalography)
  • Brainwaves & its types.
  • Sensor to record Brainwaves

Practical 62: Interfacing of BW Module with Microcontroller

Project 45: Mind Control Robot.

3 Hours
Day 42

Embedded with Networking

  • NODE MCUPIN Configurations
  • Programming with NODE MCU
  • Cloud Interfacing with Node Mcu

Practical 63: Writing code to send/receive data from cloud
Practical 64: Testing data interaction of Mobile/cloud and EmbSystem

3 Hours
Day 43

Finger Print Module Interfacing with Different MCU’s

  • Interfacing limitations and connections
  • Advantages of using various controllers

Practical 65: Writing Interfacing Program with a Fingerprint sensor

3 Hours
 Day 44

ESP32 Programming

  • Pin configurations
  • Various interfacing

Practical 66: Writing various programs for this hardware’s

 3 Hours
 Day 45

Flow Sensor Interfacing with MCU

  • Various Methods of Flow Meter
  • Flow Meter Calculations
  • Flow Sensor Interfacing

Practical 67: Writing various programs for this hardware’s

 3 Hours
 Day 46

DATA Logging

  • Internal and External Memories
  • Memory Clusterings
  • Data formats for Storage
  • MCU real-time data logging concepts
  • Overloading/overflow of data notification
  • Data Visualization on Display and graphs online
3 Hours
 Day 47 & 48

PCB designing

  • Process, Resources&Outline
  • LayoutDesigningSoftware

Practical 69: Placing&connectingobjects; creating pads insoftwareforPCBLayout designing


  • Introduction, key aspects, Rules&Techniques
  • MyFirstPrintedCircuitBoardDesign

Practical 70: Creatinga+5vDC power supply PCB layout

  • Masking, Etching
  • Drilling

Practical71: Taking Mask Printouts for Etching; Etching using Etchant solutions
Practical72: DrillingtheCopper Plate
Practical73: Component Mounting, Testing&Verification

Project 46: Development of Personal Learning Board

 6 Hours
 Day 49 & 50 Project 47: Development of your own Mobile Phone Prototype  6 Hours
 Day 51 & 52

Personal Project Allotment to Student And Working continues
Project work Done by Students

Query Solving Session
Project Demonstration

 6 Hours
[/single_tab][single_tab title=”How to Enroll” tab_id=”how-to-enroll”]

Step 1

Register online for any desired course, duration & location of your training course & obtain a Registration-ID. Registration-ID is a Unique Registration Number which is generated by our system after successful registration for training A student can have multiple IDs for multiple courses & batches. It is displayed while successful registration and it is also mailed to you immediately after registration by our server. if you don’t find it in your mail then, please check your SPAM folder or junk folder of your mail ID.

Step 2

Please deposit your Course fee to any one of our payment gateway/ Bank Account/ paytm.

Payment Gateway link: Pay through PayUmoney

Bank Account Details
A/C Name: TechieNest Pvt. Ltd.
Bank A/C No: 201000689491
IFSC: INDB0000592
Bank Name: Indusind Bank Limited
Address: Malviya Nagar, Jaipur ( Rajasthan)
Paytm Number9251494002

Step 3

Update us regarding your fee payment by sending picture/scan copy of bank receipt to: [email protected] and you will receive a confirmation mail on your mail id.

[/single_tab][single_tab icon=”Defaults-money” title=”Fee & Discount” tab_id=”fee-discount”]

When someone says yes you can do it….it means you can achieve it and when you decide to take an action we come with the surprising offers:

1. Group Discount:

Offer code: TNGD-5
Offer code: TNGD-10
Offer code: TNGD-15

  • If a group size is of: 5 -10 then 5% discount on training
  • 10-20 then 10% discount on training
  • 20 and above then 15% discount on training
2. Referral Offer:

Offer code: TNR3
Offer code: TNR5

  • 3% additional discount to the person who is referring
  • 5% additional discount to the one who is being referred
3. For Former students up to 15% off:

Offer code: TNFS15

  • There will be 15% discount on students who already did training
4. Previous Workshop attended students 5% off:

Offer code: TNPW5

5. 5% additional Discount for Campus Ambassador:

Offer code: TNA5

[/single_tab][single_tab icon=”Defaults-bookmark” title=”Certification” tab_id=”certification”]


All participants will get Certificate from TechieNest Pvt. Ltd. in association with Aavriti’18 IIT Bombay.

Why TechieNest

  • Vast experience of having conducted Big Outreach Workshop collaborating with over 300+ colleges in all over India including IIT Bombay, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Bhubaneswar, IIT Jodhpur, IIT Mandi,  NIT Raipur, MNIT Jaipur, MANIT Bhopal, NIT Jalandhar, NIT Patna, NIT Srinagar, IIIT Kalyani, BITS Pilani and likewise.
  • Trained more than 20,000 students in the field of EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & ROBOTICS, MATLAB & Machine Vision, Internet of Things, PLC_SCADA,  PYTHON, C/C++, Andriod, VLSI & VHDL, JAVA and such top notch courses.
  • Our trainers are efficient in Raspberry pi, Arduino, PLCs, etc. which forms essential hardware in Electronic Industries nowadays.
  • Outreach workshop partner of Sanchaar-Wissenaire’18, IIT Bhubaneswar, 2017-18
  • Zonal workshop partner of Techkriti’18 IIT Kanpur, 2017-2018
  • Outreach workshop partner of Techfest’15 IIT Bombay & Techfest’16 IIT Bombay
  • Zonal workshop partner of Techkriti’17 IIT Kanpur, 2016-2017
  • Outreach workshop & Training partner of nVision’17 IIT Hyderabad, 2016-17
  • Outreach workshop partner of Ignus’17 IIT Jodhpur, 2016-17
  • AIRC’18 (All India Robotics Championship) in association with Techkriti’18 IIT Kanpur.
  • AIRC’17 (All India Robotics Championship) in association with nVision’17 IIT Hyderabad, 2016-17
  • Offering Project Based Training, Projects on Demand, Corporate Projects, Commercial Projects, and Consultancy in Engineering Projects.
    Dedicated 24×7 R&D lab.
  • Trained over 50+ international students in TechieNest Technology Transfer Program 2014-15.
  • TechieNest has Research Engineers having excellent research aptitude, teaching pedagogy who illustrates their finding through practical demos during workshop/training.
  • Manufacturer of Electronic products delivering the same across the country.
[/single_tab][single_tab icon=”Defaults-cog gear” title=”Training Kit” tab_id=”training-kit”]

Training Kit- will be updated soon

[/single_tab][single_tab icon=”Defaults-map-marker” title=”Center” tab_id=”center”]
[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352758|url^http://techienest.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/jaipur.png|caption^null|alt^jaipur|title^jaipur|description^jaipur” img_width=”150″ icon_animation=”pulse” title=”Jaipur Center” heading_tag=”h5″ pos=”top”]

Address : Plot No. 262, Muktanand Nagar, Opp. Pooja Tower, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur (302018), Rajasthan(India)

Phone : +91-7340033094


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352757|url^http://techienest.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/hyderabad.png|caption^null|alt^hyderabad|title^hyderabad|description^hyderabad” img_width=”150″ icon_animation=”pulse” title=”Hyderabad Center” heading_tag=”h5″ pos=”top”]

Address : CYBERAEGIS 7-4 & 7-5, Srigiri Complex Dilsukhnagar, Main road Hyderabad 500060

Phone : +91-7340033092


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352759|url^http://techienest.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/raipur.png|caption^null|alt^raipur|title^raipur|description^raipur” img_width=”150″ icon_animation=”pulse” title=”Raipur Center” heading_tag=”h5″ pos=”top”]

Address : SIMPLY C COMPUTERS (IT) Pvt. Ltd. Opp Vandana Auto Raod, Near Nagar Nigam Water Tank, Idgahabhata Road, Raipur

Phone : +91-9251494002


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^357750|url^http://techienest.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/delhi1.png|caption^null|alt^delhi1|title^delhi1|description^null” img_width=”150″ icon_animation=”pulse” title=”Delhi Center” heading_tag=”h5″ pos=”top”]

Address : 114,3rd Floor, Veer Savarkar Block, Vikash Marg, Nirman Vihar, Opposite metro Pillar no 58, Delhi – 110092

Phone : +91-9251494002


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^357748|url^http://techienest.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/lucknow.png|caption^null|alt^lucknow|title^lucknow|description^null” img_width=”150″ icon_animation=”pulse” title=”Lucknow Center” heading_tag=”h5″ pos=”top”]

Address : BBDNIIT, Faizabad Rd, Atif Vihar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226028

Phone : +91-9251494002


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^357747|url^http://techienest.in/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Jalandhar.png|caption^null|alt^Jalandhar|title^Jalandhar|description^null” img_width=”150″ icon_animation=”pulse” title=”Jalandhar Center” heading_tag=”h5″ pos=”top”]

Address : Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar – Delhi G.T. Road, Phagwara, Punjab 144411

Phone : +91-6350615477, +91-9251494002



Why TechieNest ?

[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352707|url^http://techienest.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/01.png|caption^null|alt^null|title^01|description^null” img_width=”48″ title=”Certified Organization” heading_tag=”h5″ read_more=”box” pos=”top” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]

TechieNest is a certified ISO 9001:2008, technology service provider and training organization.


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Our team has successfully delivered the impactful service to more than 350 colleges, including prestigious institutions..


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352709|url^http://techienest.in/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/03.png|caption^null|alt^null|title^03|description^null” img_width=”48″ title=”Work Ideology” heading_tag=”h5″ read_more=”box” pos=”top” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]

TechieNest is moving ahead with an ideology where practical and theory are equally emphasized.


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In the vast growing ‘Technical Era’ we are rising with a mission to expand the set boundaries..


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For Assistance Call

+91-9251494002, +91-7340033091

Pay Instantly with Credit Card/ Debit Card/ Net Banking from any of the following gateway

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