Mobile Bot – Techienest

Mobile Bot

mobile bot workshop in jaipur

Mobile Bot

Mobile Bot workshop would deal with detecting and monitoring a person health parameters with the help of band connected with mobile devices by bluetooth. Implemented by Arduino takes data from sensors and process it.

Workshop Plan Day wise

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Introduction to Robotics
  • Introduction to basic of Embedded System
  • Memory organisation in micro controllers.
  • Input & Output peripherals in Micro controllers.
  • Resisters in Micro controllers.
  • Programming of Micro controllers.
Kits distribution
  • Hardware description
  • Introduction & Explanation of Micro controllers
  • Explanation of AVR Micro controller
  • Basic micro controller Based programs for interfacing I/O Devices
  • Interfacing LED and Programming the uc to generate different LED patterns
Display device introduction and Interfacing
  • Introduction to LCD.
  • Interfacing of LCD with Microcontroller.
  • Practical: Character, string and number display on LCD.
  • Introduction to Input Devices & Sensors
  • Introduction to ADC
  • Accessing internal ADC of microcontroller
  • Introduction of temperature sensor
  • Interfacing temperature sensor with microcontroller
  • Project– Digital Thermometer
[/single_tab][single_tab icon=”none” title=”Day 2 | Session 1 & 2″ tab_id=”02″]

Interfacing and Programming of HeartBeat Sensors

Project- Heart Beat counter

 Serial communication & Bluetooth Technology

  • Accessing internal USART of micro controllers.
  • Interfacing Bluetooth module with micro controllers.
  • Transmitting & receiving data wirelessly through Bluetooth of Laptop/Android mobile phone.

Project:  Bluetooth Control wireless notice board.

  • Explanation of the Health Band Programming and Complete Assembly
  • Working with Android Application.
  • Testing of Health Band with Android Application.

Query Session


Project Details

  • Arduino Development Board
  • D type programming cable.
  • On board voltage regulated Power supply unit.
  • TechieNest IR Sensor pair.
  • TechieNest Universal Robotics Platform.
  • DC Motors pair & Wheels
  • Screws & Screw driver.
  • Supporting cables.
  • Adaptor
  • Bluetooth Module
  • A seminar hall/Class room with sitting capacity of 100-200 students
  • One projector
  • 2 Collar mike with sound system.
  • White board and marker.
  • Workshop coordinators(3-5)
  • Laptop charging points.
  • One laptop/PC to each group.
  • Acquaint yourself with practical knowledge.
  • Workshop taken by Exceptionally Qualified and Professional Trainers actively involved in Research & Development.
  • Learn your Area of Interest directly from Industry Experts.
  • Scales up your CV/ Resume in Technical while boosting your Logical Abilities.
  • Brings Confidence in you for Technical rounds of Interview.
  • Lifetime assistance on any of your projects.
  • Certificate of Participation
  • Certificate of Coordination
  • Certificate of Appreciation to College
  • Relevant Software.
  • Study Material (Soft Copy) FREE.
  • A TechieNest notepad



To Organize workshop in Your Campus

Please Tell Us Your Requirements
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Drop an email at [email protected]


Talk To Expert

+91 – 9251094002
Timings : 10 AM – 7 PM

Why TechieNest ?

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TechieNest is a certified ISO 9001:2008, technology service provider and training organization.


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Our team has successfully delivered the impactful service to more than 350 colleges, including prestigious institutions..


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TechieNest is moving ahead with an ideology where practical and theory are equally emphasized.


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In the vast growing ‘Technical Era’ we are rising with a mission to expand the set boundaries..


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