Mobi Auto – Techienest

Mobi Auto

best Mobi Auto Workshop in Jaipur

Mobi Auto

Mobi-Auto workshop would deal with automation of a robot. It deals with sensors and their calibration to provide a sense of environment to the robot. Motive of the workshop is to make students familiar with robot automation and a mobile controlled robot too.

Workshop Plan Day wise

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Introductory & Theoretical session

  • Introduction to Embedded System.
  • Future aspects.
  • Need of Microcontrollers in Automation.
  • Difference between microprocessor and microcontroller.
  • Wide description about Microcontrollers.
  • Wide description about Atmega 8
  • Memory organization in microcontrollers.
  • Input & Output peripherals in Microcontrollers.
  • Resisters in Microcontrollers.
  • Programming of Microcontrollers.

Kits Distribution

Interfacing of peripherals.

  • Output devices interfacing.
  • Programming for LED
  • Interfacing with Microcontrollers.
  • Different patterns of LED blinking.

Introduction to Relay

  • Types of relay and its working.
  • Introduction to ULN2803 IC.
  • Interfacing between controller and ULN2803.

Project: Development of an automation system.

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Introduction to IR sensor

  • Introduction and working of LM358 comparator IC.
  • Interfacing of IR sensor through microcontroller.
Project: Visitor- counter
Project: Automatic Room light controlling of a room or hall.

Introduction to DTMF technology.

  • Working of DTMF decoder IC.
  • Interfacing of relay, home devices and Mobile with microcontroller.
Project: Controlling LED through Mobile.
Project: Controlling home office devices through Mobile.
Query Session

Project Details

  • Development of an automation system.
  • Visitor- counter
  • Automatic Room light controlling of a room or hall.
  • Controlling LED through Mobile.
  • Controlling home office devices through Mobile.
  • Atmega8 Development Board
  • D Type Programming Cable
  • On board Voltage Regulated Power Supply Unit.
  • IR Sensor Pair
  • Relay Board
  • Bulb & Holder
  • TechieNest DTMF board
  • Audio Cable
  • Screw Driver
  • Supporting Cables & Connecting wires
  • Adaptor
  • A seminar hall/Class room with seating capacity of 100 students.
  • One projector.
  • 2 Collar mike with sound system.
  • White board and marker.
  • Workshop coordinators(3-5).
  • Laptop charging points.
  • One laptop/PC to each group.
  • Certificate of Participation
  • Certificate of Coordination
  • Certificate of Appreciation to College
  • Relevant Software.
  • Study Material (Soft Copy) FREE.
  • A TechieNest notepad



To Organize workshop in Your Campus

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Drop an email at [email protected]


Talk To Expert

+91 – 9251094002
Timings : 10 AM – 7 PM

Why TechieNest ?

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TechieNest is a certified ISO 9001:2008, technology service provider and training organization.


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352708|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^02|description^null” img_width=”48″ title=”350+ Colleges” heading_tag=”h5″ read_more=”box” pos=”top” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]

Our team has successfully delivered the impactful service to more than 350 colleges, including prestigious institutions..


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352709|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^03|description^null” img_width=”48″ title=”Work Ideology” heading_tag=”h5″ read_more=”box” pos=”top” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]

TechieNest is moving ahead with an ideology where practical and theory are equally emphasized.


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352710|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^04|description^null” img_width=”48″ title=”Creating “Techie-Brains”” heading_tag=”h5″ read_more=”box” pos=”top” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]

In the vast growing ‘Technical Era’ we are rising with a mission to expand the set boundaries..


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