Image Processing & GUI – Techienest

Image Processing & GUI

Image Processing and GUI workshop in jaipur

Image Processing & GUI

Bitcoin has taken the world by storm by its staggering development. But what exactly is Bitcoin and BlockChain? We present to you a workshop wherein we promise to clear all doubts and tell you more about Bitcoin. The blockchain is a shared public ledger on which the entire Bitcoin network relies. All confirmed transactions are included in the blockchain. This way, Bitcoin wallets can calculate their spendable balance and new transactions can be verified to be spending bitcoins that are actually owned by the spender. The integrity and the chronological order of the blockchain are enforced with cryptography.

Workshop Plan Day wise

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Introduction to MATLAB

  • Significance of MATLAB windows (Editor, workspace, Command History and Command Window)
  • Basics of MATLAB Programming
  • Use of primary commands in MATLAB

Introduction to Objects, Arrays and Matrices
Formation of a Color Pixel from a Matrix
Introduction to file Types
Understanding Looping and Conditional Statements in program
Functions and Scripting

  • Practical: Fundamentals of MATLAB vectors, objects and matrix manipulations.
  • Practical: Solving Mathematical calculations.
  • Practical: Accessing data from local and global database.

Introduction to Image Processing Introduction to images, pixels and frames
Types of images and their conversion.
Analysis on the property of images.
Identification of area of interest.
Image Enhancement and Thresholding

  • Practical: Acquisition and displaying different format images.
  • Practical: Image types conversion.
  • Practical: Plotting and subplotting Images to a window.
Project: Counting Coins in a Static Image
  • Practical: Color Object Extraction from the Image.
  • Practical: Noise addition and removal from an area of interest

Data hiding and retrieval

Project: Image Steganography
[/single_tab][single_tab title=”Day 2 | Session 1 & 2″ tab_id=”2″]

Introduction to Live Digital Image Processing

  • A study of the Properties of a Camera
  • Camera Resolutions and its Formats
  • Image color format by a default camera.

Practical: Continuous video streaming from the camera.
Practical: Capturing Frames from the Live streaming.
Practical: Converting type of Captured frames into desired format
Practical: Calculating a number of Black and White Pixels in the Captured frame.
Practical: Live Color Object Detection

Project: Controlling Mouse through Hand Gestures.

Introduction to MATLAB Web browser and its features.

Project: Gesture control Web Browsing.
  • Understanding absolute Image Matching and Pixels counting logic.
  • Introduction to mp3 player and it’s properties
Project: Gesture control music player.

Understanding absolute Image Matching and Pixels counting logic.

Project: Anti-theft System.
  • Graphical User Interface (G.U.I.) of MATLAB
  • Understanding tools of GUI toolbox in MATLAB
  • Customizing shapes of GUI tools for better use

Practical: Understanding GUI tools to use in MATLAB

Project: Developing Customized Media Player

MATLAB Apps Development

Project: Developing coding independent apps in MATLAB

Project Details

Students should come prepared with the following:

  • Minimum 4 GB RAM is required in each Laptop/ PC.
  • Web Cam installed on each Laptop/ PC.
  • MATLAB (Version R2012b or later) should be installed on each student’s Laptop/ PC.
  • A seminar hall/Class room with seating capacity of 100 students
  • One projector.
  • 2 Collar mike with sound system.
  • White board and marker.
  • Workshop coordinators(3-5)
  • Laptop charging points.
  • One laptop/PC to each group.
  • Acquaint yourself with practical knowledge.
  • Workshop taken by Exceptionally Qualified and Professional Trainers actively involved in Research & Development.
  • Learn your Area of Interest directly from Industry Experts.
  • Scales up your CV/ Resume in Technical while boosting your Logical Abilities.
  • Brings Confidence in you for Technical rounds of Interview.
  • Lifetime assistance on any of your projects.
  • Certificate of Participation.
  • Certificate of Coordination.
  • Certificate of Appreciation to College.
  • Relevant Software.
  • Study Material (Soft Copy) FREE.
  • A TechieNest notepad



To Organize workshop in Your Campus

Please Tell Us Your Requirements
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Drop an email at [email protected]


Talk To Expert

+91 – 9251094002
Timings : 10 AM – 7 PM

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TechieNest is a certified ISO 9001:2008, technology service provider and training organization.


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Our team has successfully delivered the impactful service to more than 300 colleges, including prestigious institutions..


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TechieNest is moving ahead with an ideology where practical and theory are equally emphasized.


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In the vast growing ‘Technical Era’ we are rising with a mission to expand the set boundaries..


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