PLC & SCADA – Techienest


plc and scada training in jaipur


Introduction to PLC & SCADA Training

It stands for Programmable Logic Controller-Supervisory control and data acquisition. To understand the industry exposure and experience automation is required and Automation is the one way to learn PLC. To give the change in the industry hub of manufacturing and production with the cheaper cost and reliability we should use the techniques. Different Plants like cold drink factories, Water treatment plant, plastic making companies and many more are developing the economy of scale.

Our Training Program Details

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Regular (1 Month)
Course : PLC & SCADA
Certification By : TechieNest, An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company
Study Material : Book free to each participant (Soft Copy)
Fee : 5,500/- + (Taxes)
Duration : 1 MONTH


Course Details


Day 1

Introduction to Python,Raspberry_Pi and IoT

  • Definition of Real Time Automation Systems
  • Industrial automation and its examples
  • Why TechieNest for this Training?
  • Current scenario in India
  • Application Areas, Features, Need Advantages
  • Careers in Automation systems
  • Latest Trends & Upcoming Technologies

Brief Description of a Control system

  • Introduction of a Control System
  • History & Need of Industrial Automation
  • Types of automation
  • Components of Automation
  • RLC, PLC, SCADA, CNC, DCS, Switches, Sensors, PID, HMI, MMI, motor, solenoid valve, hooter, alarm, etc.
  • Hardware & Software of Automation
  • Advantage & disadvantage
  • Application of Industrial Automation

Introduction of IOT in industrial Automation

  • Introduction of a IP System
  • Need of IOT in Industrial Automation
2 Hours
Day 2

Getting Familiar with PLC

  • Brief Introduction to Basic Analog & Digital Electronics
  • Basic Concept of Processing & Controlling
  • Concept of PLC and Classification of PLCs
  • PLC & their Functional Architectures
  • Input and output system – serial parallel optical isolation
  • Names and difference between PLCs used in automation
  • Description of Programmable Logic Controller
  • Basic principle of Operation

2 Hours

Day 3
  • Sinking and sourcing concept
  • Bulletin number and series
  • Addressing Format
  • Software’s description
  • Communication protocols and cables used in PLC
  • Programming Language of a PLC
  • Concept of data files and program files
  • Concept of ladder logic
  • Applying ladder logic to your schematics
  • Rules and regulations of ladder logic
  • First program in ladder logic

Practical 1:  Controlling Motor using XIO and XIC
Practical 2:  Controlling Multiple inputs and outputs using Ladder logic

2 Hours
Day 4


  • Using Basic Instructions
  • Holding Inputs and Outputs
  • Concept of Interlocking
  • Using multiple input and multiple outputs with interlocking
  • Programs based on interlocking


  • Concept of Timer
  • Applications of timer in PLC
  • Types Of timers
  • Concept of Enable, Timer Timing and Done bits
  • Using timer in PLC Programming

Practical 3:   Implementing Home Automation System using interlocking Practical 4:  Beverage Industry Prototype.

Practical 5:  Paper drill machine Prototype.

2 Hours
Day 5
  • Use of Reset Command
  • TON, TOFF and RTO Timers
  • Programs based on RTO Timer
  • Concept of binary bit
  • Implementing previously made programs by using binary bit and TOFF

Practical 6:   Generating different LED Patterns by using Timer.

Practical 7:  Paper drill machine Prototype continued with RTO.

Practical 8:  Combinational working of Motor and Pump.

2 Hours
Day 6


  • Counter Instruction
  • Types of counters in PLC
  • Addressing format of counters
  • Applications of CTU CTD RES
  • Using reset instruction
  • Using Interlocking and timer with counters

Practical 9:   Car Parking System using Counters and math instructions

Practical 10:   Using Counters in the Paper Drilling Machine

2 Hours
Day 7

Compute and Maths

  • Concept of Mathematical Instructions in PLC
  • Addressing format for ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV and etc.
  • Using math instructions in ladder Program
2 Hours
Day 8


  • Using Comparison Instructions  

Learning Advance Instructions

  • Move/Logical Block
  • MEQ and MVM
  • Copy Instruction

Practical 11: Problems based on Comparison and math instructions

2 Hours
Day 9

Learning Advance Instructions

  • Move/Logical Block
  • MEQ and MVM
  • Copy Instruction
  • Concept of Bitwise Logical Operators in PLC
  • Concept Of Jump and Label
  • Programs based on Jump and Label
2 Hours
Day 10
  • Program Control Instructions
  • Programs based on Advance instructions
  • Concept of Bitwise Logical Operators in PLC
  • Concept Of Jump and Label
  • Programs based on Jump and Label
2 Hours
Day 11

Creating Subroutines and Calling them

Practical 11:  Industry prototype with simultaneous working of multiple departments

Practical 12:  Traffic light control of 1 day based on calling subroutine

2 Hours
Day 12

IOT in Industrial Automation

  • Introduction to IOT Software
  • Network system
  • OSI model
  • Protocols used in industrial communication
  • Public and Private network
  • Remotely access the PLC in public and Private network
2 Hours
Day 13


  • Introduction to SCADA Software
  • Difference between other SCADA and PLC
  • Packages of SCADA
  • Features Of SCADA
  • GUI Designing
  • Tag Substitutions
  • Introduction to graphic Properties like Sizing, Blinking, Visibility etc.


2 Hours
Day 14
  • Graphic Properties like Sizing, Blinking, Visibility etc.
  • Types of Data Tag as a Memory and I/O in Data Acquisition

Practical 13:  Creating animation of bottle filling plant

Practical 14:  Prototype of automatic coffee vending machine  

2 Hours
 Day 15
  • Graphic Properties like Orientation, Object size, Value Display etc.
  • Working with analog values using slider

Practical 15:  Creating animation of Conveyor Belt, Clamp

Practical 16:  Prototype of industrial controlling machine   

 2 Hours

 Day 16


  • Concept of Script
  • Types of Script
  • Basics of C Language
  • Working with scripts
 2 Hours
 Day 17


  • Concept of Key and Condition Script
  • Concept of Application Script
  • Working with scripts
 2 Hours
 Day 18


  • Concept of Alarm
  • Practical Utility of creating alarm
  • Procedure of creating alarm

Trends – Real Time Trend and Historical Trend

  • Practical significance of creating Trends
  • Procedure of creating Trends
 2 Hours
 Day 19

Recipe Management

Creation of Security System

Practical 15:  Automatic Coffee vending machine by managing recipe

Practical 16:   Managing Number of employees and their database.

Practical 17:   Password Controlled Plant Security system using SCADA

 2 Hours
 Day 20


  • Communicating PLC with PC
  • Excel Communication with SCADA
  • Analog I/O Communication with PLC and SCADA
 2 Hours
 Day 21


Introduction to Siemens PLC Family, HMI, SCADA

  • Architecture of Siemens S7- PLC
  • Introduction to STEP 7 Software, Micro-win, Simatic Manager and their installation
  • Project Customization and Creation of New Project
  • Linear Programming with STEP 7 (Using PLC Simulator and PLC controller)
  • PLC Hardware Configuration, I/O Addressing and Selection of programming Language
  • Programming with Absolute addresses & Symbolic Names (Symbol Tables)
  • Programming Basic Bit, Byte, Word and Double Word Concept
 2 Hours
 Day 22

Timer and Counter

  • Control using various Timer and Counter Functions
  • Implementation of Bit, Byte, Word and Double Word Concept in programming
 2 Hours
 Day 23


  • Concept of Operating Block (OB) and creation of Linear Program
  • Compare, Ceiling, Trunk Function
  • Math Instructions (Integer and Floating Point):- Ladder & FBD
 2 Hours
 Day 24

Analog I/O

  • Understanding Integer, Double Integer and Real Data base
  • Basic AI7& AO Programming Techniques and Real Data Base
  • Advance Instruction
 2 Hours
 Day 25

IOT and Industrial Controller

  • Protocols used in siemens PLC
  • Network Creation for controlling industrial Process
 2 Hours
 Day 26

Query Session

Troubleshooting on live project

Steps that’s need in Service and Maintenance of Electric Panel

 2 Hours
Advance (2 Months)
Course : PLC & SCADA
Certification By : TechieNest, An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company
Study Material : Book free to each participant (Soft Copy)
Fee : 8,500/- + Taxes
Duration : Weeks/ 120 Hours

Course Details

Day 1

Industrial Automation

  •   Introduction of a Control System
  • RLC Controller, PID Controller, PLC Controller
  • History & Need of Industrial Automation
  • Application of Industrial Automation
  • Components of Automation
  • Hardware & Software of Automation
  • Advantage & disadvantage
  • Application of Industrial Automation
2 Hours
Day 2

RLC and Contactor

  • Explain relay with wiring practical
  • Types of relay
  • Working of relay
  • Holding circuit designing using relay

Practical: – Controlling AC output using DC supply and vice -versa

Practical: – Controlling high current and voltage rated DC output using low

current and voltage DC voltage supply and vice -versa

2 Hours

Day 3

PLC (Programmable Logic Controller)

  • What is PLC
  • Type of PLC
  • Block Diagram of PLC
  • Hardware & Architecture of PLC
  • Vendors of PLC


2 Hours
Day 4

PLC Hardware Components

  • The I/O section, Discrete I/O Modules, Analog I/O Modules, Special I/O
    Modules, I/O specifications, The CPU, Memory design, Memory Types,
    Programming Devices, Selection of wire types and size
  • Application and Advantage of PLCs
  • Input and output Devices
  • Analog Input and output devices
  • Digital input and output devices
  • Wiring of PLC
  • Sinking & Sourcing concept
  • Sinking and sourcing wiring at input and output side
  • Sensor wiring

Practical: – PLC wiring with switches and sensor

2 Hours
Day 5


  • Scan cycle and scan time
  • Programming Language of a PLC
  • Ladder diagram (LD)
  • Sequential Function Charts (SFC)
  • Function Block Diagram (FBD)
  • Structured Text (ST)
  • Instruction List (IL)
  • Data files in PLC
  • Use of Data files
  • Addressing methodology


Basics details about AB Industrial Automation Family

  • Software and protocols used in AB PLC
  • Communication between PLC & PC
  • Programs Monitoring & Uploading, Downloading
  • Introduction of Instructions
  • Advance function and difference from other PLC
2 Hours
Day 6

Programming on PLC controller using instructions

Practical: –  Controlling MOTOR using XIO and XIC

Practical: –  Controlling multiple inputs and outputs using ladder logic

Practical: – Simple and complex controlling electric logic circuit design

2 Hours
Day 7
  • Latch – unlatch
  • Interlocking
  • Use of binary data file as a memory bit



Programming Timers


  •  Mechanical Timing relay, Timer instructions, ON delay timer instruction, Off-
    Delay timer instruction, Retentive Timer, Cascading Timers, examples of
    timer function industrial application; industrial process timing application.
  • TON, TOFF and RTO Timers
  • Programs based on TON Timer
  • Concept of binary bit
  • Concept of EN, TT, DN bit in timer
  • Use of reset Command

Practical: – controlling motor direction using logic program

Practical: – designing a starter for a machine

Practical: – Beverage Industry Prototype.

Practical: – Paper drill machine Prototype

2 Hours
Day 8


  • Use of reset Command
  • TOF and RTO Timers
  • Programs based on TOF, RTO Timer
  • Implementing previously made programs by using binary bit and TOFF, RTO

Practical: –  Generating different LED Patterns by using Timer
Practical: –  Paper drill machine Prototype Continued with RTO
Practical: –  Combinational working of Motor and Pump

2 Hours
Day 9


  • Counter Instruction
  • Types of counters in PLC
  • Addressing format of counters
  • Applications of CTU CTD HSC RES
  • Using reset instruction
  • Using Interlocking and timer with counters

Practical: Car Parking System using Counters and math instructions
Practical: Using Counters in the Paper Drilling Machine

2 Hours
Day 10

Mathematical instruction & Compare instructions

  • Concept of Mathematical Instructions in PLC
  • Addressing format for ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, etc.
  • Using math’s instructions in ladder Program

Comparison Instructions


Practical: – based on Comparison and math’s instructions

2 Hours
Day 11

Advance Instruction

  • Logical Gates AND, OR, EXOR, NOT etc.
  • CLR, MOV, MVM, BSR, BSL etc.
  • Program based on MOV
  • Copy and file instruction
  • Suspend instruction
  • Jump and Label concept
  • SBR and JSR instruction.

Practical: –  Traffic light control of 1 day based on calling subroutine

2 Hours
Day 12

Sequence instruction concept

  • SQC, SQO, SQL, etc.

Practical: – Design 7 segment using sequence instruction
Practical: – Design different output pattern using sequence instruction
Practical: – Data feeding in a machine using different instruction

2 Hours
Day 13

Internet of things (IOT)

  • Analog Input and Output
  • Networking
  • IP concept

Practical: – controlling PLC controller in private network
Practical: – controlling PLC controller in public network
Practical: – controlling PLC controller using a smartphone in local and public

2 Hours
Day 14

Doubt and Query Class

  • What is Forcing of I/O
  • Monitoring & Modifying Data table values
  • Programming on real time applications
  • How to troubleshoot & Fault detection in PLC
  • Interfacing many type sensors with PLC
  • Interfacing with RLC for switching
  • Doubt and Query solution

Practical: – work on a live project wiring and programming

2 Hours
Day 15


  • Introduction to SCADA Software
  • Difference between SCADA and PLC
  • Package of SCADA
  • Features of SCADA
  • How to Create new SCADA Project
  •  Industrial SCADA Designing
  • Dynamic Process graphics
  • How to use properties like Filling

Practical: –  Generating different LED Patterns by using Timer
Practical: –  Paper drill machine Prototype Continued with RTO
Practical: –  Combinational working of Motor and Pump

2 Hours
Day 16 & 17

Property- Location, Analog Entry, Visibility, orientation properties etc.Practical: – Design conveyer belt and bottle Filling plant

2 hours
Day 18

Property- Size change, discrete and analog fill color property etc.
Various type of related properties

Practical: -1. Car parking and Security System
2. Design clamp system

2 Hours
Day 19


  • Types of Script and their logics
  • Scripts like Window, Key
  • Design previous plant projects in automatic using Script
2 Hours
Day 20

Condition & Application script

Design previous plant projects in automatic using Script

2 Hours
Day 21


  • Types of alarm
  • Lolo, low hi, hihi
  • Rate of change (ROC)
  • Summary & Historical Alarms
  • How to create Alarms & Event

Practical: – create and data storage in database of an alarm of temperature of
Boiler tank

2 Hours
Day 22

SCADA – Excel communication
PLC – SCADA communication


  • Types of trend
  • Real Time & Historical Trend

Practical: – represent excel data on trend

2 Hours
Day 23

Security and Recipe Management


  • What is DDE Communication


Practical: – apply security on SCADA project

2 Hours
Day 24

Doubt and Query Class

Practical: – PLC -SCDA based live project task work
Presentation and Test of Automation, RLC, PLC, SCADA

2 Hours
Day 25

PLC Delta

  • Basics of DELTA PLC
  • Catalog no. details- Serial and model no.
  • Difference between AB and Delta PLC
  • Data file in Delta
  • Register memory in Delta
  • Discrete memory
  • Communication setting
  • Software and protocols used in Delta PLC
  • Communication between PLC & PC
  • Programs Compile, Downloading, Uploading, online mode
  • Introduction of Instructions
  • Programming on Simulator
2 Hours
Day 26


  • Interlocking
  • API
  • Timer
  • Changing of preset value – online, offline

Practical: – Design Different timer program of live industrial project

2 Hours
Day 27


  • Counter
  • Changing of preset value – online, offline

Practical: – Design Different counter program of live industrial project

2 Hours
Day 28


  • Transmission comparison
  • Contact type logic operation
  • Contact type comparison

2 Hours
Day 29

Arithmetic and logic operations – word / Double word

  • Logical Gates AND, OR, EXOR, NEG etc.

Practical: – 1. Program of a sequential machine which runs at a different time
2.receipe of a Product

2 Hours
Day 30


  • Floating point operation
  • Additional instruction

Loop Control

  • Condition Jump
  • MCR & MC
  • Rotation and Displacement

Practical: – design program for fault finding in products

2 Hours
Day 31

Motor and Drive with IOT

  • Definition of motor
  • Different type of DC motors
  • Working of DC motors
  • Application of different type of DC motors

2 Hours
Day 32
  • Different type of AC motors
  • Working of AC motors (Single phase & 3 Phase)

AC Motor Applications

  • 3 Phases   AC motor Applications – Conveyor Belt, PFC and Winding /
  • 3 Phases   AC Motor & Shaft Load Characteristics matching, Specifications

Induction Motor Starting methods

  • Direct on line starter
  • Star – Delta starter
  • Autotransformer
  • Rotor resistance starter
  • Soft starter
2 Hours
Day 33


  • Controlling Technique in VFD
  • Type of drive
  • Drive Basics, Electrical Specifications and Hardware Architecture
  • Drive and Motor Specification matching
  • Drive Power Wiring and interfacing Control Input & Output Signals

Drive Operation & Control

  • Operation & Control of AC Motor in Scalar Mode
  • Start / Stop/ Direction and Speed Control
  •  Integration and using DI, Do, AI, and AO
  • Understanding Various Braking Application and Methodologies
  •  Performance Verification of Special Features of AC Drive
  •  Operation & Control of AC Motor in Vector Mode, Identification Run of Motor

AC Drive Peripherals

  • Single Line Diagram of AC Drive System and AC Drive Bypass Control System
  • Requirement need and Specifications of Input and Output Chokes
  • Selection of Power, Motor and signal Cables for AC Drive Application
  • Wiring and Lay Outing Guidelines for AC Drive
2 Hours
Day 34

Different types of parameters of drive

  • Parameter feeding in VFD
  • Wiring connection of drive
  • Different types of practical with motor by using different parameters
  • PLC-DRIVE- SCADA communication
  • Controlling VFD using public and Private network (IOT)
2 Hours
Day 35

Siemens PLC

Introduction to Siemens S7-PLC Family, HMI, SCADA

  • Architecture of Siemens S7- PLC
  • Introduction to STEP 7 Software, Simatic, Manager and their installation
  • Project Customization and Creation of New Project

Linear Programming with STEP 7 (Using PLC Simulator and S7 300 PLC)

  • S7-300 H/W Configuration, 10Addressing and Selection of programming
  • Programming with Absolute addresses & Symbolic Names (Symbol Tables)
  • Programming Basic Bit , Byte, Word and Double Word Concept
2 Hours
Day 36

  • Control using various Timer and Counter Functions
  • Understanding Bit, Byte, Word and Double Word Concept
2 Hours
Day 37

Concept of Operating Block (OB) and creation of Linear Program

2 Hours
Day 38

  • Understanding Integer, Double Integer and Real Data base
  • Basic AI7 &  AO Programming Techniques and Real Data Base
2 Hours
Day 39

Comparison Instructions

  • Equal , less then, greater then, not equal , Ladder & FBD
2 Hours
Day 40

Math Instructions (Integer and Floating Point)

  • ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV , SQR, AVG, Ladder & FBD
2 Hours
Day 41

Advance Instruction

  • ABS, Trunk, CALL
2 Hours
Day 42

Query Class

2 Hours
Day 43

HMI Human Machine Interface

  • Definition of HMI/MMI
  • Difference between SCADA & HMI
  • HMI Communication protocol
  • Communication Cables of HMI
  • Vendors of HMI
  • Wiring connection of  HMI
  • Catalog no. description
  • HMI software & hardware
  • Different type Features of HMI
  • PLC-HMI- PC communication setup
  • Interfacing of AIC-PIC cards
2 Hours
Day 44

  • Creating new HMI Project
  • Design of HMI graphics
2 Hours
Day 45

  • Alarms & Event
  • How to apply Security in HMI
2 Hours
Day 46

  • HMI Controlling & monitoring System
  • PLC – HMI- SCADA communication on public and private network
  • Modify the value of PLC data file at online mode
2 Hours
Day 47 – 50

 Revision, Test of whole module

Work on Live Projects

  • Smart Grid Substation
  • Bottle filling plant
  • Security system
  • Metro train prototype
  • Car washing
  • Car parking
  • Home and city Automation
  • Smart traffic light system and many more
2 Hours
[/single_tab][single_tab icon=”Defaults-sign-out” title=”How to Enroll” tab_id=”enroll”]

Step 1

Register online for any desired course, duration & location of your training course & obtain a Registration-ID. Registration-ID is a Unique Registration Number which is generated by our system after successful registration for training A student can have multiple IDs for multiple courses & batches. It is displayed while successful registration and it is also mailed to you immediately after registration by our server. if you don’t find it in your mail then, please check your SPAM folder or junk folder of your mail ID.

Step 2

Please deposit your Course fee to any one of our payment gateway/ Bank Account/ paytm.

Payment Gateway link: Pay through PayUmoney

Bank Account Details
A/C Name: TechieNest Pvt. Ltd.
Bank A/C No: 201000689491
IFSC: INDB0000592
Bank Name: Indusind Bank Limited
Address: Malviya Nagar, Jaipur ( Rajasthan)
Paytm Number9251494002

Step 3

Update us regarding your fee payment by sending picture/scan copy of bank receipt to: [email protected] and you will receive a confirmation mail on your mail id.

[/single_tab][single_tab icon=”Defaults-money” title=”Fee & Discount” tab_id=”fee”]


When someone says yes you can do it….it means you can achieve it and when you decide to take an action we come with the surprising offers:

1) Branch toppers up to 30% off

Offer code: TNBT30

For Branch toppers we have the superb fascinating offer 30% off on summer training Courses.

T&C apply:

  • This offer can be redeemed by only two candidates i.e. 1 male and 1 female candidate.
  • Certification proof is mandatory for the validation of branch toppers.

E.g.: Photo-print of Result or Provisional Mark sheet from University

2) On the basis of 12th result, upto Rs. 2000/- off

Offer code: TN12-2000

Upto Rs. 2000/- off will be awarded in all the courses offered in summer training to those Students who had scored more than 85% in 12th

T&C apply:

  • Certification proof of 12th is mandatory to validate the percentage.

3) Group Discount:

Offer code: TNGD-10

Offer code: TNGD-20

Offer code: TNGD-25

  • If a group size is of: 5 -10 then 10% discount on training

10-20 then 20% discount on training

20 and above then 25% discount on training

4) Referral Offer:

Offer code: TNR3

Offer code: TNR5

  • 3% additional discount to the person who is referring
  • 5% additional discount to the one who is being referred

5) For Former students up to 30% off:

Offer code: TNFS30

  • There will be upto 30% discount on students who already did training

6) Nobel Cause students Rs. 1000/- off:

Offer code: TNNC1000

  • Discount of Rs. 1000/- will be given to students who has worked for Noble cause and proof of all certifications related to that span of work are need to be shown.

7) 5% additional Discount for Campus Ambassador:

Offer code: TNA5

  • Additional 5% discount will be given on training program

8) Previous Workshop attended students 10% off:

Offer code: TNPW10

  • For this category students discount of 10% on summer training

9) IIT, NIT students Rs. 2000/- off:

Offer code: TNIN2000

Students belongs to IIT and NIT will be getting off up to Rs. 2000/- on training programs.

NOTE- All the discounts are applicable to the courses whose course fee worth above Rs 5500/-.

[/single_tab][single_tab icon=”Defaults-bookmark” title=”Certification” tab_id=”certification”]


All participants will get Certificate from TechieNest Pvt. Ltd. in association with Aavriti’18 IIT Bombay

Why TechieNest

  • Vast experience of having conducted Big Outreach Workshop collaborating with over 300+ colleges in all over India including IIT Bombay, IIT Hyderabad, IIT Bhubaneswar, IIT Jodhpur, IIT Mandi, NIT Raipur, MNIT Jaipur, MANIT Bhopal, NIT Jalandhar, NIT Patna, NIT Srinagar, IIIT Kalyani, BITS Pilani and likewise.
  • Trained more than 20,000 students in the field of EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & ROBOTICS, MATLAB & Machine Vision, Internet of Things, PLC_SCADA, PYTHON, C/C++, Andriod, VLSI & VHDL, JAVA and such top notch courses.
  • Our trainers are efficient in Raspberry pi, Arduino, PLCs, etc. which forms essential hardware in Electronic Industries nowadays.
  • Outreach workshop partner of Sanchaar-Wissenaire’18, IIT Bhubaneswar, 2017-18
  • Zonal workshop partner of Techkriti’18 IIT Kanpur, 2017-2018
  • Outreach workshop partner of Techfest’15 IIT Bombay & Techfest’16 IIT Bombay
  • Zonal workshop partner of Techkriti’17 IIT Kanpur, 2016-2017
  • Outreach workshop & Training partner of nVision’17 IIT Hyderabad, 2016-17
  • Outreach workshop partner of Ignus’17 IIT Jodhpur, 2016-17
  • AIRC’18 (All India Robotics Championship) in association with Techkriti’18 IIT Kanpur.
  • AIRC’17 (All India Robotics Championship) in association with nVision’17 IIT Hyderabad, 2016-17
  • Offering Project Based Training, Projects on Demand, Corporate Projects, Commercial Projects, and Consultancy in Engineering Projects.
    Dedicated 24×7 R&D lab.
  • Trained over 50+ international students in TechieNest Technology Transfer Program 2014-15.
  • TechieNest has Research Engineers having excellent research aptitude, teaching pedagogy who illustrates their finding through practical demos during workshop/training.
  • Manufacturer of Electronic products delivering the same across the country.
[/single_tab][single_tab icon=”Defaults-cog gear” title=”Training Kit” tab_id=”kit”]

Training Kit- will be updated soon

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Address : Plot No. 262, Muktanand Nagar, Opp. Pooja Tower, Gopalpura Mode, Jaipur (302018), Rajasthan(India)

Phone : +91-7340033094


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Address : CYBERAEGIS 7-4 & 7-5, Srigiri Complex Dilsukhnagar, Main road Hyderabad 500060

Phone : +91-8686654444


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Address : SIMPLY C COMPUTERS (IT) Pvt. Ltd. Opp Vandana Auto Raod, Near Nagar Nigam Water Tank, Idgahabhata Road, Raipur

Phone : +91-9251494002



Why TechieNest ?

[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352707|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^01|description^null” img_width=”48″ title=”Certified Organization” heading_tag=”h5″ read_more=”box” pos=”top” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]

TechieNest is a certified ISO 9001:2008, technology service provider and training organization.


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352708|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^02|description^null” img_width=”48″ title=”350+ Colleges” heading_tag=”h5″ read_more=”box” pos=”top” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]

Our team has successfully delivered the impactful service to more than 350 colleges, including prestigious institutions..


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352709|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^03|description^null” img_width=”48″ title=”Work Ideology” heading_tag=”h5″ read_more=”box” pos=”top” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]

TechieNest is moving ahead with an ideology where practical and theory are equally emphasized.


[bsf-info-box icon_type=”custom” icon_img=”id^352710|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^04|description^null” img_width=”48″ title=”Creating “Techie-Brains”” heading_tag=”h5″ read_more=”box” pos=”top” title_font_color=”#ffffff” desc_font_color=”#ffffff”]

In the vast growing ‘Technical Era’ we are rising with a mission to expand the set boundaries..


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